Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'd Like To Thank...

...all my partners, many grant-funding bodies, the parents of under-privileged children, BBC2 Television, Teachers' TV, Watchdog, The University of the West Indies, several credit card holders, Alan Wood and his Tender Loving Care, Morehouse College, several county courts, a few indebted landladies, the banking self-certification system, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Chris Boothman, my agent and mother Gloria, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and gullible suckers with open wallets everywhere... for making me what I am today.

Read more...Yolande Beckles - one of Britain's most accomplished actresses steals the honours in Hollywood


  1. An Oscar for a Future Movie no doubt? "Catch Me If You Can Part 2"...

  2. "Catch Me If You Can 2" gave me the opportunity to play a new and much more evolved character, and I thank The USA for believing in me and my award winning performance. I hope to carry on here where I left off in the UK. I know I'm running out of time...but I don't want to forget all those trusting, kind souls who let me into their homes and hearts and allowed me to con them as only I can.

  3. Blimey, you guys have really gone to town. I'm impressed. I only met Yolande a few times in London and at first I was totally bewitched. This woman can manipulate your feelings like few people I've ever met. But I kinda knew something wasn't right and when I heard stories about her obtaining money on false pretences I wasn't surprised. Good luck with pursuing this evil woman, but be careful out there in case you end up on the receiving end of a stiletto.

  4. Hello, my name is Sven and I am a reader of your website from Göteborg. I am emailing you a nice picture of the musical CD of your friend in his latest movie release. Hoping you enjoy. Bjork!

  5. To all Bloggers:

    I personally know Miss. Beckles and I find all this mess nonsense. If she is wanted in the U.K. as you blog about then why hasn't she been arrested in the USA? She freely uses her name in the USA and has no problems with explaining her past in the U.K. to anyone who ask. Personally if she was able to steal money from people who allowed her to steal money from them, then shame on them!!! If you know she's in Hollywood, CA then why haven't you called the LAPD on her? This site is BS and needs to be closed down. Stop spreading the hate about her. This website is a cult and should be closed down!!!! SHOW US THE PROOF!!!! It's horible how you people are characterizing this woman and you people are writing these horrible things and people are STUIPED enough to belive this BS....WHERE IS THE PROOF? I know her and I know where she lives and I know her children and I personal find this site appalling to her children, her family in the U.K. and to all the people who really know her!

  6. I'm glad I live in the USA where we believe hat all people are innocent until proven guilty!! WHERE IS THE PROOF?? Is this how you treated Princess Diana? Show some respect for her children who are innocent! You damn Brits are so disrepectful to your own people! Grow up and get a life! You created this whole damn papariazzi movement and it's so ridiculous! I agree with "Concerned Americans" above, where is the proof?? Do you guys hate her because she is an intelligent Black woman who is smarter than you without a formal college education??? Sounds like you're jealous! Well just to let you Brit's know, we have a Black President in the USA so all this "Blackwashing" against Miss. Beckles will not fly in America!!! I'm all for putting criminals behind bars, so show us some proof. Otherwise get a LIFE!!!

  7. Concerned Americans/Anonymous of Los Angeles - if you know this woman and her family, I'd watch your back with one eye and your wallet with the other eye, if I were you. On the other hand, if you are Yolande I'd watch your arse...

  8. The Proof is all over the Internet.Yolande knows if she sets foot back in the UK she will be arrested.The Police are playing a waiting game they are not going to fly out to the USA at Taxpayers Expense or deal with a long extradision process....It's nothing to do with her being a Black Woman but all about Justice for her Victims..People avoid the Law and RE-INVENT themselves all of the time most of them go abroad...If Yolande is INNOCENT then she should come back to the UK and answer her crictics!...How US IMMIGRATION allowed her to stay without doing background checks defies belief....Yolande must have told them a few lies no doubt?.....

  9. So Americans if you are that Concerned then Contact the Criminal Records Bureau in the UK An executive agency of the Home Office which vets applications for people who want to work with children and vulnerable people. knows with her record she could never work back in the UK in Education or with Children...In 2009 a Law was introduced that anybody working with kids needs a CRB check....It sounds to me the UK are ahead of the US when it comes to Protecting Our Kids!!

  10. Anonymous (dates Nov. 1 and Nov. 2)...

    The internet can post anything about anyone!!! Sorry Brits, the internet is not the final source to convict someone in the USA!!!! You guys all better watch what you say before you all find yourself in court facing defamation!!! Apparently the UK is not too concerned about her being in the USA..if they know she's down here then should coome get her if she's such a bug criminal..You are blasting this woman's family all over the internet and you should be ashamed of yourself! Get a life and again, SHOW US THE PROOF!!! IN AMERICAN EVERYONE IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!! PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS A SHOW US THE PROOF!!! Also, if you want her convicted, then why are you so scared to show your real name?? Sounds like a witch hunt to me....

  11. Marty, my little ranter. There's not a word on this blog that wasn't drawn either from material already published on the internet or from statements signed by named individuals and sent directly to me. So no court is going to convict me for defamation.

    My anonymity is to protect me against physical treatment of the sort that previous partners of Yolande claim to have received, doled out by a gangster who won't get paid for his services.

    Read the current post "What The Critics Said". Every word in that post is attributed to a named author. They can all be found easily on the internet and can all be called up to verify their statements. So please don't give me that "innocent until proven guilty" crap. Also, as it says in my bio, I personally know someone who took Yolande into her trusted circle and lent her money, never to see it again. My friend would like her money back.

    As for "all over the internet", that's interesting. Your first comment was posted before Google indexed a single word on the blog, so I was initially puzzled as to how you managed to find the blog in the first place. But then I know from my stats that you are in LA. You did realise that each time you post a comment you leave an identity trail – network, type of PC, browser, etc. – didn't you? LA Unified School District shows up clearly, for instance.

  12. Which posting came from LA Unified????

  13. Every time anyone visits any internet site they leave an information trail. I was not suggesting that LA Unified was the source of any posting, merely that it was the source of visits.

  14. Beckles Watch....

    As a Yolonde supporter, mw and others are aware that there is a witch hunt out let the cat out the bag and we know that someone from LA Unified has visited this site and posted some of these ridiculous comments on here....All of you will be prosecuted and brought to justice whether you are in the UK or USA....Putting this woman's family and children on here is unacceptable and I will vow to make a promise to you, that I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL all OF YOU ON HERE who are defaming this woman's children and her family are brought to justice. So since you can track where this posting if coming from, track me...I'm a lawyer with one of the LARGEST Law Firms in Los Angeles and oh by the way, I work with one of the most well known activist in history (guess who??) ...So now can you guess who I am??? Also, guess and all of you accusers better make sure you have legal paperwork to show because right now here in America you are blogging defamatory and vilianious statements about this woman's family and children and now the tables will be turned on you and all of your followers! Watch it...all of you and your bloggers are being traced and will be brought to justice!I would suggest you look up the law in American about defamation....YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!!

  15. Beckles watch:
    Just in case you and your followers dont know....

    In law, defamation – also called calumny, libel, slander (for spoken words), and vilification (for written or otherwise published words) – is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. It is usually, but not always, a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

    In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person. "Unlike [with] libel, truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy.

  16. Beckles Watch and Followers:

    Clear case of INVASION OF PRIVACY.....

  17. VictimsofCrime....November 03, 2009 4:35 PM Mr Lawyer whoever you are..Are you saying some of the most well respected British Newspapers made false reports?...I and all of Yolande's other Victims think not!...So why hasn't Yolande denied all these Allegations and sued these Newspapers?...The Woman previously has been up in front of a British Crown Court on an attempted murder charge albeit she got off on a technicality!..Why don't you call the Metropolitan Police at Orpington and unearth the facts....So advise your client Miss Beckles to contact the British Press and put her side of the story when she deprived all those kids and parents of these monies....If you really want to go the whole hog then hire Max Clifford the PR Supremo to make some money for Miss Beckles so she can payback her victims.....Better still as you appear to Support her so much you should make Compensation payments to her Victims and bring closure once and for all or perhaps a Class Action should be filed....

  18. I see. So prestigious law firms have now started hiring illiterate ranters who publicly announce their intentions over the internet, part-identify their other clients and issue threats of action based on lengthy word-for-word quotations from Wikipedia. Can't LA lawyers afford text books these days?

    For your information, defamation under California state law is defined thus:

    The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:
    1. a publication to one other than the person defamed;
    2. a false statement of fact;
    3. that is understood as
    a. being of and concerning the plaintiff;and
    b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.
    4. If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must also prove actual malice.

    You can have 1, 3 and perhaps 4. The trouble is, you also need 2. Oh dear. What a shame. Nearly a full house.

  19. No, second thoughts, you can't have 3b either. What reputation?

  20. Beckles Watch...
    You're in some deep trouble....YOU'RE AN IDOIT...GET A LIFE.....

  21. "You're an idoit [sic]". Presumably that highly literate lawyer again.

  22. So, 'anonymous' ranter from Los Angeles. I hope you are paying for all that internet use and not just racking up bills to leave your landlady to settle after you've moved on. How are you finding Time Warner cable? You should be getting a great view of the site, with high high screen resolution on your Windows PC. Mind you, using IE can be such a pain. Have you thought of trying Firefox?

  23. You don't scare me fool...just watch out.....By the way dummy, I'm not using Time Warner Cable...I'm using AOL....hahahaha...think you're so smart. I think you've been out smarted! Dummy!!! He who laughs first almost never laughs last!!!!

  24. You really are very ignorant, aren't you Yolande?

    It's 8 years since AOL disappeared as an independent company and became part of Time Warner Inc. It's due to spin off again soon, but hasn't yet. Here's the news you missed:

    Maybe you were too engaged at the time with James Hal Cone in the Black Power struggle to notice such mundane matters.

    And, as you are using cable and not dial-up or ADSL, your supplier is Time Warner Cable, even if the box still has an old AOL label.

    For what it's worth, you are using Internet Explorer 7 on a Vista PC with Flash v10.0 r32 and a screen resolution of 1366x768. Do you want me to continue?

  25. Yolande of you are using this Blog to Communicate with BecklesWatch then why not come clean and put the record straight!...If you have access to funds isn't time you Compensated those kids and their Parents or are you going to continue bringing Misery wherever you go?..You know You will have a tough time coming back to the UK but you can't keep running away..It appears this Blog has gone Global and whoever has set it up wants to see Justice done!..Think of your kids,your family for they have now been caught up in your Affairs....DO THE RIGHT THING IT IS NEVER TO LATE?

  26. Beckles watch:
    I think you need some serious help. You and your bloggers should hold your heads down in shame for posting this woman's innocent children on this website. Whatever Yolande is being accused of
    should only be her issue and should not involve her children nor her family.
    Come on people, if you want Yolande to go down then just fight the battle with her. Let's be fair here, her children have no hands and what Yolande is being accused of doing, leave them out of it!

  27. The children who have really been hurt are the ones from poor and deprived families whose parents had to explain to them that their once-in-a-lifetime trips abroad were cancelled because someone they trusted ran off with their money. Not the kids who got a fabulous lifestyle, including private education and shopping trips in Hollywood from that same money.

  28. Yolande in case you are not familiar with the Law you may wish to look up the 1968 Theft Act..

    Basic definition of theft(1)A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and “thief” and “steal” shall be construed accordingly.
    (2)It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain, or is made for the thief’s own benefit.

    TheftA person guilty of theft shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding [F1 seven years].

  29. Hmmm is it Yo (stupid cow) beckles posting here. I hope it is. If it is I hope you are starting to see the power of people and the net. In this case the net closing. live in the knowledge that karma is real.

    I have to say however i do not think bringing her poor kids into this is fair (beckles watch whilst i think what you are doing is great i do think you should leave the kids out of it, lets be honest having this bitch as a mum is bad enough, plus they are kids and we should not stoop to Bitchles' level)

    Having said that, lets be very clear. Yo is a moral and legal criminal. I know dozens of people who she stole money and time off. There are legal judgements outstanding in the public domain, if not in her name then in companies in her name. Global graduates being just one. If people want proof perhaps beckles watch could put up some of these court records? or anon if you are so sure she is innocent, then prove some these allegations wrong. You cant because they are true but at least try. Why not start with the owing money in birmingham, or the not paying of staff in london global graduates, or the not taking kids on hols in hackney. Or hey how about the poor woman who says she poisoned her kid. pick one and try!

    If anyone knows her LA address why not put it up here please? There are a number of law firms i am sure who would love to know where she is. right back at you anon defender above, put your money where your mouth is. Wheres she at? come on unmask the beast.
