Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yolande Beckles - A Husky Voice At Rosewood Elementary

When the DNASat personal tracking systems first generated a mapping circle for Yolande Beckles I clicked on 'Yes' and the satellite homed in on her apartment. What I missed was a second circle to the southwest, indicating traces of her presence around Beverly Boulevard in West Hollywood. I've just had the computer process this new data and... it's come up with what looks like Yolande's place of work. So, somewhere else for lawyers to visit, armed with writs.
Rosewood Avenue Elementary School
Rosewood Avenue Elementary School from the satellite


  1. You are right. Yolande is at Rosewood Elementary every weekday all day long - as a volunteer, so how does she pay her bills?? You can find her in room 1 on the first floor at 503 North Croft Avenue, Los Angeles 90048. Tel#323/651-0166. Someone please come and take her out of our school!!

  2. "Armed with writs"? Anyone who tries to serve legal papers on this woman had better be armed with a stab vest.

  3. Get Beckles out of Rosewood Campaign begins!!It is time to take back our school and get the parents involved the right way. Enough Bullying. We want our school back and we are prepared to fight.

  4. Fight on Fight on Where are her credentials. She is a bully

  5. Y'all a bunch crash dumies who need to get a life and y'all need to leave this oustanding person and parent alone

  6. Would that be "a concern[ed] parent", encouraging us "bunch [of] crash dum[m]ies" to leave this "ou[t]standing" person alone? Or would it be a better idea for our children to be taught correct English? Especially if they want to win scholarships to Harvard (as opposed to Harverd).

  7. Look, it is common knowledge that yolande is wanted out of Rosewood. However, please for the safety of our kids AND her child--who should not be held accountable for her actions, please don't post the google maps and address etc....
    Let's be adults. Even if she's incapable of it. Do the right thing and take down the sat. pic of the school and the school website. She has nothing to do with that, and it would be sad for people to believe that she does.

  8. I'm a parent volunteer at Rosewood elementary and I'm pissed off that you would put the lives of innocent children in danger because of a person who you are pissed off with. I will assure you that if any harm comes to my child or any child or innocent parent at Rosewood because of the ignorance of stuiped parents, you and the whole lot of these Rosewood mafia parents that I will personal make sure you're legally held responsible. Also, I want you Rosewood parents, teachers, etc. to know that your Prinipal has been informed of this and contacted LAUSD legal to investigate this and the people responsible for posting out
    school's information on this blog. Once it's found out who is responsible for this, you and your child will be put out of Rosewood and the whole district, so you will no longer have to worry about getting rid of Yo.

  9. This thing has been up since october 25 and is the second part of a another blog have you looked at the rest of the website why would parents and kids be in danger

  10. It is not the parents posting negative, they want you to think it is! The only ones crying about Yo are a few, not the parents!, most all teachers there are wonderful souls,I know! and are there for the children, How obvious on the timing of the address of this school. Take back our school!! Grow up!, this school does not belong to you!! Seriously, I pray you stop this, it will only cause yourself trouble! Not worth the trouble!

  11. I could careless who is looking for Yo Beckles etc....This is wrong when you start posting school's information on website because you are upset at one person. Now you ask, "how the children are in danger?" Well let me tell you, there are a lot of people in this world that want to do harm to people for no reason. All this negative stuff on this website about Yo and the people she hurt can make people upset for no reason and if your posting place where she is, you never know what crazy people are out there willing to come to Rosewood elementary with hundreds of innocent parents and children to harm Ms. Beckles. So now, this is how the children are in danger. I'm a parent at Rosewood and I'm appalled at whoever posted this school's information on the website. I pray the principal and the Legal team from LAUSD find the person doing this and for your sake I hope you are not a parent, teacher, administrator, etc. Shame on you and many Rosewood parent's are upset and can not wait until the jerk who did this is exposed.

  12. If protecting our kids is at the forefront of our concerns, maybe someone can explain to me why the home page of Think Global Kids consists almost entirely of seven photos of kids, of which four are Yolande's own children. And I'd like to know whose kids are shown in the other three photos. I strongly suspect that these three are not commercial stock pictures of actors. In which case someone else is exploiting their children or, worse still, Yolande is publishing photos of someone else's kids.

  13. Any and all information stated regarding Yolande Beckles, are heresay. In this great country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Has any of those critics of Ms. Beckless, hard evidence to that effect? If so, why do you not submit this information to the proper authorities so they would handle it? If she committed a crime in the U.K, then the U.K. authorities should have posted a wanted alert thorought the country and the world; why have they not?.Has she committed a crime in the U.S? If she had committed a crime in the U. S. then, bring the evidence forward. These types of commentaries of a singular or group of individuals, only demonstrate a sentiment of anger, envy and hidden agendas. Be cautious, because as you do to someone, it might be done to you. DNAS is a sytem that must be utilized in conjunction with hard evidence. I remind you that slander is punished in this country. If life were based on heresay, then our future as a nation will lead to chaos.

  14. Beckles watch: the posting above is not Yolande. Do your research. Actually I'm a parent from Rosewood elementary and I could give a damn about what Yolande did in the U.K. I'm concerned about my child's school being blasted all over this blog and putting innocent children in danger.

    Remember you and all the other people who assisted you with putting Rosewood elementary school information on this website will soon see how the USA handles real criminals.

    He who laughs first, almost never ever laughs last!!!

  15. Oh dear, what a giveaway!

    November 5th 2009, Anonymous said...

    You don't scare me fool...just watch out.....I think you've been out smarted! Dummy!!! He who laughs first almost never laughs last!!!!

    February 6th 2010, A pissed off Rosewood elementary parent said...

    Beckles watch: The posting above is not Yolande. Do your research. Actually I'm a parent from Rosewood elementary... He who laughs first, almost never ever laughs last!!!

    So the "pissed off Rosewood elementary parent" was making identical comments (minus one exclamation point) three months before this blog published a post about Rosewood Avenue School.

    I think we can all come to a logical conclusion as to who you really are. Hopefully a few genuinely pissed off Rosewood parents will take appropriate action to have you removed from your post and thereby ensure that you no longer pose an educational threat to their children and a financial threat to them.

  16. In the case of the Landlady who was defraud by Mr. Yolande Beckles, did she/he made a police report? Again, everything that I read is quite interesting, yet if local authorities had sufficient evidence, then, she would be incarcerated. However, if I understand correctly, she is still actively participating in school activities and in the community.
    It appears and based on the information posted, that a particular group has targeted Yolande Beckles in order to get back at her. I still insist that in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. I have no interest in doing research on this matter simply because is should be left to the authorities. Perhaps the person who initiated this process has already submitted the information to the proper authorities but was turned back because the police/sheriff station or so forth, did not have hard evidence to suport an official investigation. Eventually, if authorities are able to create a strong case then, the case will be brought before the District Attorney's office leading to a final resolution.
