Friday, January 29, 2010

She's Right, You Know...

Support is pouring in for Yolande Beckles and her Think Global Kids video promotion. On launch day, no fewer than three different people commented positively on YouTube. "My Daughter did Yolande's program this summer. She had so much fun, she didn't even realize she was learning! I'm amazed at the change I see in her - she's so confidant and has retained so much of what she learned. She was totally more prepared to go back to school." said person A.
Commenter B was equally supportive of Yolande's efforts, to the extent of using almost identical words and the same unusual capitalisation: "My Daughter did Yolande's program this summer. She had so much fun, she didn't even realize she was learning! I'm amazed at the change I see in her - she's so confidant and has retained so much of what she learned. She was totally more prepared to go back to school. And commenter C praised the same wonderful results of Yo's special techniques: "I spent a fortune on my daughter's education and she still couldn't read. Yolande taught my daughter how to read in SIX WEEKS! Thanks Yolande! You're an angel!"

On behalf of those of us who have genuinely learnt a few things and retained some scraps from our schooling, the repeated use of spelling error "confidant" tells a tale. Yes - it's Yolande's confidant - the confidently illiterate Chantal Boccaccio, aka. LASO63, Girlof1000Faces and HeliGirl - director of NaughtySchoolGirls and No Fly Zone Pictures and producer/director of Yolande's latest scam organisation video. The fourth comment comes as a breath of fresh air. "Bu**sh*t", they wrote. "For the truth about this woman, search her out on the web and read about the trail of misery she's left behind her wherever she's popped her head up." Oh yes. That must be me.


  1. TALK ABOUT BAD SPELLING! organization!!! not organisation,you're the one calling it out. Who is stupid now!!!!! People do make errors. Yolande is a smart woman, you can never take that from her. You do not need a degree to be smart! You probably have neither!! Smarts or a degree!! You are so obvious!

  2. People certainly make spelling errors, Miss Beckles, but then I'm not putting myself forward as the Messiah come to educate America's children.

    You'll find that a little research can go a long way to help improve your knowledge and abilities. A minute or two on the web would inform you that the spellings "organization" and "organisation" are acceptable alternatives, with "z" generally preferred in the US, the UK in transition from "s" to "z" as a preference, but "s" remaining the predominant choice in a number of English-speaking countries including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

    End of English lesson for today.

  3. You are an excuse, that all you have are excuses!! You can't spell!! So do not point a finger. My middle finger, IN YOUR FACE!!!!

  4. Thanks, Yolande. And you have a nice day too.
